Top 10 most powerful characters in DCEU
-Batman (Bruce Wayne)
10. Cyborg:
Part man, part machine, Vic Stone is a former member of the Teen Titans and a current member of the Justice League who wrestles to preserve his humanity with every new upgrade. Although he always exhibited a genius level intellect, young Victor Stone didn’t want a life dedicated to science and research like his parents. Instead, Vic dreamed of being a football player, and devoted all of his time to becoming a star athlete while he was still in high school. But a tragic twist of fate that should have left him dead instead found him becoming part man and part machine—a Cyborg.
In Justice League, the key to Steppenwolf's attempts to terraform Earth into a version of Apokolips revolved around the three Mother Boxes that were left on Earth from Steppenwolf's previous invasion. The Mother Box is the technology of the New Gods and so it is more powerful than even Steppenwolf himself. Therefore, it is not surprising that when Dr. Silas Stone used the Mother Box on his injured son, Victor, to help heal him, it turned him into a powerful technological being known as Cyborg.Ahroughout the movie, Cyborg's power levels change as his technology advances. It is possible that whatever Cyborg's strength level is at the end of Justice League, it might be even higher now. At the moment, though, he seems to be firmly planted as fourth on the Justice League in strength. We can see this from how different he and Aquaman fared against Steppenwolf. Cyborg was easily dismissed by Steppenwolf while Aquaman hung with the villain for a little bit longer. Cyborg was still strong enough to help Superman separate the Mother Boxes at the end of the film, although the effect of the separation ended up messing him up a good deal more than it did Superman.
In the DCEU films, so far, the Flash is presented as someone who is still new to this whole thing, so such of his battle strategy involves undertaking attacks that do not involve him having to be strong or a skilled fighter. The most powerful attack that we see from him is when he creates vortexes due to his super speed that toss his opponents around like they are rag dolls. That said, since he does have the capacity for using his speed powers in such a way that it could be like super-strength, we will still rank him higher than all the other "non-super strength" characters. It's a close call, though.
The problem with judging the power levels of Ares is that he is more of a cerebral villain than a physical one. His goal was to spread war on Earth and he did so by insinuating himself into the political workings of the "world of man" over the centuries and always slyly working against the pursuit of peace and instead pushing mankind to be more and more warlike. Along the way, he also helped them develop greater and greater weapons of mass destruction. Not only that, but Ares' powers are also driven by violence. At his just standard level, he is quite powerful , as we saw at the end of Wonder Woman, when he let his human disguise be covered up by his actual god-like abilities and he gave Wonder Woman a dramatic fight. The issue, though, is that like the Hulk, he could become even stronger when he is powered by high levels of violence. This was clear in the flashback battle in Justice League, where he was nearly a match for Steppenwolf due to his power increase as a result of the "war of the gods." We will split the baby and have him slightly lower on the list than he would be if he was just powered by a "god war."
6.Wonder Woman:
Before she was known as Wonder Woman, she was Diana of Themyscira, the daughter of Zeus and the Queen of the Amazons. Diana was raised by her fellow Amazons, a group of warrior women tasked with fighting Ares. Diana ultimately left the island paradise to prevent Ares from further spreading destruction across the planet. Through her efforts, she became the world's first superhero. Wonder Woman is a highly trained Amazon warrior who has no problem leaping tall buildings in a single bound. As a demigod, her strength appears to be on par with Superman's, and she ages much slower than the average human. She's also got a pair of super cool accessories: her Bracelets of Submission and her magical lasso, which can compel anyone to tell the truth. Telling Ares where he can shove it by defeating him in an epic fight. Giving up the superhero life for the better part of a century following the demise of Steve Trevor. But hey, we all need a little breathing room every now and then.
Despite there only being a handful of films so far in the DCEU, we have seen enough of Wonder Woman so far that we can pretty easily place her on the list. Part of this comes from the fact that she is so often compared to other characters in the film, thus giving us a perfect sense of where she ranks. The first example comes from her training with the Amazons. We have a sense of how strong the Amazons are, so when Wonder Woman takes her power dampeners off and goes at the rest of the Amazons, it is like a giant sparring with babies. Later in her film, she also managed to overcome Ares. It is important to note that Ares was not at full strength, and, in fact, Wonder Woman's capacity for love likely specifically led to his violence-driven power being weakened, but it was still an impressive victory nonetheless. However, in Justice League, while she fared better against Steppenwolf than her comrades, she was clearly overmatched by his strength, providing a definitive sense of where she ranks in this category compared to that villain. The same goes for when Superman returns and goes insane. She hung with the Man of Steel better than others, but still not that well.
5.Steaphen Wolf:
Now, you might be wondering, "Wait, if Superman is so darn strong, then why did the Justice League need to bring him back from the dead in the first place?" That is because Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice saw the Man of Steel challenged by something that not even he could defeat on his own. That "something" turned out to be a creature known as Doomsday. Doomsday was a result of Lex Luthor using an ancient ritual to bring General Zod back to life, but only as a mutated creature with more power than any Kryptonian ever had. Doomsday was far too strong for just Superman to handle. Luckily, Superman had just discovered that he and Batman both had mothers named Martha, which made them instant best friends. So, Superman had the Dark Knight on his side, along with Wonder Woman, who had been retired for nearly a hundred years before being pulled out of retirement to take on the mighty Doomsday. In the end, even the three heroes fighting together were not enough to defeat Doomsday, so Superman had to use a kryptonite spear to kill him. Tragically, he could not get away from the spear himself, so he died alongside Doomsday.
People says that Superman is over powered character. But they are people, who cares about them. A true Superman fans knows that how much Superman mean to themselves. we saw that in Man of Steel How superman over powered the general Zod and his people. That was really powerful moment of the superman. He beat all the Justice League members at once. There is know doubt that Why superman is in place 1 in this list. He is really powerful and strong with his Kryptions physique.
Superman is from Krypton, which means that when he is near a red class M main-sequence star, like Krypton's son, Rao, he is a normal person, just like any human. When he is near a yellow G-type main-sequence star, like Earth's sun, however, he gains tremendous abilities that make him practically the strongest person on the planet. We first see just how strong he is when he was able to take on an entire group of Kryptonians in Man of Steel and not only not be killed by them, but hold them at bay until he can trap them within a singularity that the United States military helped to create. Along the way, he also killed General Zod. Later, in Justice League, after he was resurrected following the events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman is initially out of his mind and he attacked the Justice League and the powerful heroes had no hope of containing him. They had to use the love of his life, Lois Lane, to break through to him. Superman then teamed up with the heroes to defeat Steppenwolf and really, at times it appeared as though Superman could have done everything by himself, as he easily outclassed Steppenwolf in battle.
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